Earn the ratings you need to achieve your aviation goals with Murfreesboro Aviation. Our FAA Part 61 flight training program offers a flexible, tailored approach, helping you progress from Private Pilot to Instrument, Commercial, and beyond. With personalized instruction and a commitment to excellence, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Flight Ratings That Fit Your Goals

Whether you’re starting with a Private Pilot License or advancing to Instrument and Commercial Ratings, Murfreesboro Aviation provides flexible, FAA Part 61 flight training tailored to your needs. Our experienced instructors focus on practical, results-driven training to help you meet your certification goals efficiently and effectively. Choose the rating that moves you forward—your next step in aviation starts here.


This is where it all begins. The Private Pilot License is the first major rating that student pilots attain. When you make the decision to move forward, you’ll receive a student pilot kit that includes everything that you’ll need to take you from student pilot to FAA certified private pilot! The process involves book learning, flight training, solo, cross-country flying, passing a written exam, and fine tuning your skills. It is an amazing and wonderful journey that you will enjoy all the way through!

How long does it take to get my private pilot license?

All of the detailed requirements are outlined below, but the speed that you proceed depends on your commitment level and how often you fly. If you study and fly 2-3 times per week, you can be a licensed pilot in about 2 months. A typical student will move at a steady pace and be a pilot in 3-4 months.

What are the specific FAA requirements to earn my private rating?

Your instructor will walk you through these specifics up front and ensure that you are meeting your target goals along the way. We follow a syllabus as you progress so you and your instructor always know where you are on your flight training journey.

Here are the FAA Private Pilot Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be at least 14 years of age to start taking lessons (16 to solo)
  • Be at least 17 years of age to receive license
  • Be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language
  • Have a current FAA third class medical certificate
  • Log at least 40 hours flight time
  • Log at least 20 hours with an instructor
  • Log at least 10 hours solo flight time, 5 solo hours cross country
  • Pass an FAA Private Pilot Airman Knowledge written exam
  • Pass an FAA Private Pilot practical flight test

Contact us with any questions relating to becoming a private pilot. We’ll email you back with a .pdf sheet outlining the requirements, and send a helpful link and other useful information.

A word about learning to fly.

Whether you are earning your pilot’s license for fun or as a pathway to becoming a professional pilot, you will find flight training to be one of the most fun, challenging, and rewarding things that you will ever do. It will sharpen your skills, teach you to think ahead, plan and anticipate, expand your thinking, and give you an outlet to express your desire to be free! There is nothing more liberating than deciding to enjoy a beautiful day by flying an aircraft from here to there or just around the area. By exercising the skills that our qualified instructor will teach you, you now have the world more easily accessible to you. Whether you want to enjoy a scenic sunset flight with a friend or a short 2-hour flight for fresh seafood while sitting next to the actual ocean! With your private pilot license, it’s all now within reach!

You may have heard of someone regretting that they never learned to fly, but we doubt you’ve ever heard of anyone regretting that fact that they became a pilot…right? Neither have we!


What does it mean to have an “instrument rating”?

There are two overall conditions of flight; VFR and IFR. VFR stands for Visual Flight Rules. When you have a private pilot’s license, you are allowed to fly in VFR weather and visibility conditions. Under VFR rules, as the name implies, you must always remain clear of the clouds and be able to visually see where you are. What if the weather is low overcast but otherwise a very nice day? What if there are clouds that you cannot avoid between where you are and where you’re going? Well, that’s where IFR comes in.

What does an instrument rating offer you?

By being an instrument rated pilot, you are allowed to fly into conditions of restricted visibility and into clouds. These are considered IFR or Instrument Flight Rules. Having this ability further expands your freedom and your travel possibilities. Pilots all confirm that earning your instrument rating makes you more of a complete pilot.

Do I have to earn my instrument rating to be a safe pilot?

Absolutely not. Becoming and remaining a quality aviator is a choice, whether you are a private pilot or an instrument rated pilot. Most pilots who earn their instrument rating do so because they want to expand their flying possibilities and add a higher degree of expertise to their flying knowledge. An instrument rating is a confidence builder and a very good idea for those who fly often from point to point.

Ask one of our flight instructors their opinion of earning an instrument rating. We always encourage you to ask for their input. The good news is that you earn your private rating first and then your instrument rating, so you can make your decisions one step at a time.

How long does it take to earn an instrument rating?

We always recommend that you call and speak with one of our instructors about questions like this. The answer to how long it takes to earn your instrument rating, in part, depends on your starting point. You must first have your private pilots license. Beyond that, you’ll need to have a specific number of logged hours, under specific conditions, pass a written test, pass a check ride, etc. How fast you work through this is up to you and your instructor. Any confusion? Don’t sweat it. Your instructor will step you right through the process and make it all clear and with a very specific plan to get you there.

What are the specific FAA requirements to earn my instrument rating?
Here are the FAA Instrument Rating Training Requirements:

  • Hold a Private Pilot Certificate
  • Hold a current FAA Medical Certificate
  • Pass the FAA written and practical test for the Instrument Rating
  • 50 hours of cross country time as pilot in command (PIC)
  • 10 hours of flight time in an airplane
  • 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument flight time, including;
    • 15 hours of instrument dual instruction
    • 3 hours of instruction by a CFII in preparation for the practical test

Contact us with any questions relating to becoming an instrument rated pilot. We’ll email you back with a .pdf sheet outlining the requirements and send a helpful link and other useful information.

(eCFR — Code of Federal Regulations — Instrument Rating Requirements)


As the name implies, a multi-engine rating gives you the ability to fly aircraft with two (or more) engines. As you can imagine, this demands a higher degree of skill and expertise. Before you can contemplate the demands of flying with two engines, you must first have a mastery of the basics such as radio work, navigation, airspace, and procedures.

So, what is different about a multi-engine plane, other than the second engine?

Multi-engine aircraft are typically faster, heavier, more complex, have retractable gear, but have higher performance. The benefits of being able to fly a multi-engine aircraft include a higher degree of safety (two engines are better than one), the ability to carry more passengers and bags, fly higher, farther, and faster. Of course with higher performance and capability comes more demand on the pilot.

What are the requirements to earn a multi-engine rating?

Your Murfreesboro Aviation flight instructor will teach you to operate the aircraft safely and to handle emergency situations, while providing a non-threatening learning environment. We are relentless about teaching safety, maintaining safety margins, and exercising intelligent decision making. The more capable the aircraft, the more important this becomes.

Here are the FAA Multi-Engine Training Requirements:

  • You must hold a current FAA Private Pilot or Commercial Pilot Certificate
  • You must receive the appropriate training for multi-engine aircraft from a certificated flight instructor, and your training must be logged
  • You must receive a multi-engine endorsement from a certificated flight instructor
  • You must pass an oral examination by an FAA Certificated Examiner
  • You must pass a Practical test (flight test) with an FAA Certificated Examiner

Contact us and ask for the specific requirements to become a multi-engine pilot. We’ll email you back with a .pdf sheet outlining the requirements and send a helpful link and other useful information.

How long does it take to earn a multi-engine rating?

Just as when you earn your instrument rating, the time it takes to earn your multi-engine rating depends on where you begin. Earning a multi-engine rating has no minimum hour requirements, but you must first possess a private pilot’s license. With that as a starting point, the time is takes to earn your rating is based on the time you invest in training, and your ability to safely handle the aircraft to the satisfaction of your instructor and ultimately, an FAA examiner. Your instructor will move you through the process as quickly as you care to move. Typically you’ll need 5 hours to 15 hours of instruction.

Why become a multi-engine pilot?

When you earn your multi-engine rating, you will enjoy greater freedom, greater capability, expanded opportunities, and sharper piloting skills. It is a wonderfully exhilarating experience to push the throttles forward on two engines, feel as you are pushed back into the seat, and enjoy the hum of two powerful engines as they propel you into the skies! You should try it sometime!

If you are on the path to becoming a professional pilot, then you already understand why it is important to be a multi-engine rated pilot. Without it, you’ll be limited to single-engine aircraft and will most certainly miss opportunities to fly bigger and faster aircraft.


This is where all of your hard work and flying experience starts to pay off. Literally! With a commercial rating you can now be compensated for your flying! Want to become an airline pilot, fly for a charter company, be a corporate pilot, or fly freight? With a commercial rating you now have met one of the major qualifications for employment and the money now comes to you rather than from you! Congratulations!

As a commercial pilot more is expected from you. Also, you now have to think beyond the cockpit and remember that you have passengers on board. It’s important that you communicate with your passengers and keep then advised before, during, and after the flight. As a private or instrument rated pilot, you may choose to fly through some known turbulence or weather because you know it is safe to do so and only going to last a few minutes. But, with passengers now aboard, you may choose a longer, but smoother, route of flight. Also, airlines and charter operators have their own requirements and policies regarding weather and decision making that may be more restrictive than the Federal Aviation Regulations. These are some of the considerations of a commercial pilot.

Here are the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate Requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years of ageHold at least a Private Pilot Certificate
  • Hold at least a second class medical certificate to exercise commercial privileges
  • Pass the FAA written and practical test for the Commercial Pilot Certificate
  • Accumulate flight experience. You must log at least 250 hours which must consist of at least:
  • 100 hours in a powered aircraft, of which 50 hours must be in airplanes
  • 100 hours as Pilot In Command (PIC) time which includes at least 50 hours in an airplane

Contact us and ask for the specific requirements to become a commercial pilot. We’ll email you back with a .pdf sheet outlining the requirements and send a helpful link and other useful information.

(eCFR — Code of Federal Regulations — Subpart F — Commercial Pilots)


CFI – Certified Flight Instructor

CFII – Certified Flight Instructor Instrument

MEI – Multi-Engine Instructor

Want to teach others to fly, build your flying hours, attain the highest degree of pilot proficiency, but get paid to do it? Become a CFI! Maybe you can join our team and become a CFI for Murfreesboro Aviation! We’ll help you get there!

Sit down with one of our CFI’s and they’ll walk you through a specific plan to get you from where you are to CFI. Like flying itself, developing a career takes thought, planning, action, and advice from others who’ve been where you are and can help you get to where you want to go. Let us help! Murfreesboro Aviation is the busiest privately-owned flight school in the state of Tennessee. Our CFI’s are the best in the business. We choose the best instructors and have the volume of students to allow the CFI’s to fly daily and gain valuable flight time and experience.

Contact us and ask for the specific requirements to become a certified flight instructor/CFI. We’ll email you back with a .pdf sheet outlining the requirements and send a helpful link and other useful information.

Earning your CFII and MEI may follow you becoming a CFI. Call us, and we’ll answer all of your questions.

Murfreesboro Aviation
1936 Memorial Blvd.
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

Everyday Hours:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Phone: 615-494-1900
Fax: 615-217-2010
For after hours call out: 615-604-9292

Have Questions? Let's Talk!

Whether you have questions about flight training, maintenance, or services, our team is here to assist. Drop us a message, and we’ll get back to you soon!