Recently, commercial pilot and Murfreesboro Aviation employee, Tanner Quigley, gave a 1-hour Discovery Flight to James Cook. It’s an exciting time for our customers since it is typically rare that they have the opportunity to fly in a small aircraft. For many, it is their FIRST time!

Tanner is well liked and we frequently receive positive comments from our customers about their experience with Tanner. We thought it was time to share the most recent testimonial (below) with you.

“I made it to the Airfield earlier than I expected and met Tanner who was an awesome pilot. He went over everything with me about the plane on the ground and then asked if I was ready to go. I said I am ready and we were off. Once in the air he let me control the plane for the majority of the hour long flight and even showed me a couple of neat things the plane could do. He was friendly, light humor that made the entire experience a complete enjoyment. I would highly recommend going up with him any time and I hope to do something like this again soon, or even more flying beyond the experience. It made for one of the best times I have had in a very long time for sure!”
James Cook

Great job Tanner!….again! Thanks James for taking the time to share your excitement and your experience with Tanner.