On February 29, 2016 Isaac Esgro flew an aircraft alone, for the very first time! After many months of training and demonstrating his competency to his flight instructor, Anthony Gilbert, he took to the skies with Anthony looking on from the ground. This is most...
Murfreesboro Aviation continues to improve upon its reputation as a quality maintenance service center. We work very hard at ensuring each customer that conducts business with us leaves our facility happy with the quality of service received and treatment from our...
Murfreesboro Aviation is seeking an investor to purchase or provide an aircraft for our air taxi operation. Benefits to the investor may include; Income stream Business use/purpose for asset Tax Advantages Personal use of aircraft Save time Increase Productivity...
For as long as we can recall, when a new student pilot went to an FAA-approved physician (formally referred to as an AME or Aviation Medical Examiner) to get a flight physical, he was issued a medical certificate which also served as his student pilot certificate. One...
We would like to thank and congratulate Fred Cohen of Yorba Linda, California on the purchase of his beautiful Piper Arrow, N15022! We would also like to thank Anthony Coll who negotiated the purchase and flew with Fred back home to California. It was a very pleasant...